How to Create a Cantonese-Rich Environment

I am delighted and honoured to share the experience and advice of Grace, founder of Michigan Cantonese Storytime. Although we are living on the opposite ends of the world, I have seen and used so many of the free Cantonese materials, games, and song videos she has developed and generously shared, and have been inspired Read More

Cantonese Stories 粵語兒童故事 on YouTube

Another tool for increasing exposure to Cantonese is Cantonese Stories. There are many to be found on YouTube, and is often a good compromise for those who have a limited screentime policy. Some come with animation (though less than cartoons) and some are almost entirely audio, and can be enjoyed with the visual. Stories with Read More

The Ultimate Guide to Cantonese Nursery Rhymes 粵語兒歌 on YouTube

If you are looking for Cantonese Nursery Rhymes 粵語兒歌, there are plenty to be found on YouTube. Here’s a compilation of channels, playlists and songs that spans across Classical Nursery Rhymes, original compositions, and modern re-edits. With hundreds of songs, you should be able to find something suitable. Read More

Free Online Chinese Textbooks and Course Materials

If you are teaching your kids Formal Cantonese/ Standard Chinese, these websites with free online Chinese textbooks and other course materials might be helpful for you. They are textbooks and course materials designed for the overseas Chinese. Read More