Mother’s Day Cantonese Resources 母親節粵語教材


Mother’s Day is almost upon us! Here’s a compilation of various Mother’s Day themed Cantonese resources, ranging from cartoons to book readings, activities and printables to Cantopop.

1. Book Readings

媽媽系列故事(廣東話) Stories Relate to Mommy(Cantonese) Playlist by MCS

媽媽系列 Mummy Series YouTube Playlist by Cantonese Mommy


2. Mother’s Day Cartoons


3. Mother’s Day Trivia


4. Mother’s Day Songs

5. Mother’s Day Craft and Activities

Check out the craft from Hing Hing Sone Sone Cantonese school. Lots of templates and videos on their blog.

If you have older kids, you can also consider making mom a floral arrangement.


6. Mother’s Day Vocabulary

More Videos:

Here is a YouTube playlist of Mother’s Day Cantonese videos with book reading, songs, craft etc.


7. Mother’s Day Printables

Mother’s Day Bingo and Mother’s Day Card by Sweet Note Learning


Flashcard/ Coupons for Mother’s Day by Michigan Cantonese Storytime

Colouring worksheets from Michigan Cantonese Storytime

Practice writing sheet from Michigan Cantonese Storytime

Mother’s Day booklet from Fortune Cookie Mom. There are 8 language versions available, one of which is Traditional Chinese with Jyutping. Scroll to bottom of post. Email address required.

Search and Find Activity from Cantonese Mommy

Mother’s Day Appreciation Worksheet 

Mother’s Day Book Card 母親節書卡 from Joy中文學校-親子共學版


Activity Pack from Little Chinese Learners

Videos are in Mandarin. activity pack is suitable for both Cantonese and Mandarin learners.

Mother’s Day cards and printables from Spot of Sunshine 好陽光. Email address required.

Easy Mother’s Day Card from Chalk Academy

Mother’s Day card by Centre For Child and Family Service



8. Mother’s Day wishes and things to say

我愛媽咪/媽媽ngo5 ngoi3 maa1 mi1 maa1 maa1  – I Love Mummy

媽媽/媽咪, 我愛你 maa1 maa1 / maa1 mi1 , ngo5 ngoi3 nei5  – Mummy, I love You
母親節快樂 fmou5 can1 zit3 faai3 lok6 – Happy Mother’s Day
媽媽/媽咪祝你節快樂 maa1 maa1 / maa1 mi1 zuk1 nei5 zit3 faai3 lok6 – Mummy, Wish you a Happy Father’s Day

And for the Grandmas…
我愛婆婆 ngo5 ngoi3 po4 po4 – I love (Maternal) Grandma
我愛嫲嫲 ngo5 ngoi3 maa4 maa4  – I love (Paternal) Grandma
婆婆, 我愛你 po4 po4 , ngo5 ngoi3 nei5 – (Maternal) Grandma, I love You
嫲嫲, 我愛你 maa4 maa4 , ngo5 ngoi3 nei5 – (Paternal) Grandma, I love You


9. Classic mum one-liners. 阿媽金句


10. Cantopop Mother’s Day Songs

or Cantopop fans, some  Hong Kong songs about mother’s love include

Happy Mother’s Day! 母親節快樂!


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