Cantonese Christian Kids’ Songs 粵語兒童詩歌 on YouTube


Music is a great way to teach your child about God’s love and God’s Word. Before I started looking for Cantonese Christian music, I had no idea that the music scene is so vibrant, and that there are so many talented musicians producing these albums.

Here are lots of lots of Cantonese Christian Kids’ Songs that are available on YouTube for you and your family to enjoy:


ACM齊唱兒歌 (Sing Kids Songs Together) by ACM

ACM 香港基督徒音樂事工協會 Hong Kong Association of Christian Music Ministry Ltd is a Christian ministry based in Hong Kong, which has created many Christian worship songs, including the popular ACM 齊唱兒歌 series for kids. The 5th album in the series ACM 齊唱兒歌 5 我是主的小門徒 was released in 2018. This playlist features over 40 songs from these albums. Music scores are available for purchase from their website.


童來讚頌 (Kids Worship) by MMP 音樂人製作 (Music Man Productions)

Music (only) from their only kids album is available on this YouTube playlist.I really enjoy this music which sounds more soothing than many other kids’ music.

Here’s a preview of the DVD videos if you choose to buy the DVD.


《童聲童心》(Kids Sing) 原創兒童詩歌 – 試聽 by 香港路德會文字部 (Lutheran Church)

These are short samplers of the actual songs, but long enough to be enjoyable. The songs have catchy tunes and simple lyrics, usually about the gospel truth or bible stories. The repetition of the lyrics helps you to remember the words.


祈禱仔唱詩歌 Praying Kids, Praising God by 基恩敬拜音樂事工 Amazing Grace Worship Music Ministry

AGWMM has produced many worship songs, including the 祈禱仔唱詩歌 Praying Kids, Praising God series for kids. The 5th album of 祈禱仔唱詩歌 series was released in 2014. The CDs come with piano scores.


基督教兒歌聖詩 (Christian Kids Hymns) by 香港萬國兒童佈道團 Child Evangelism Fellowship Hong Kong

This channel has music for kids, though might suit slightly older kids, as the songs are longer.

Christian Children Ministry

A series of extremely cute catchy songs featuring an equally cute toddler.

Little Melodies 奇妙小音符

There is a mix of Mandarin and Cantonese songs in this channel. Each of the songs is based on a bible verse. More details and lyrcis (in Chinese) on Songs4Kids

志安哥哥 (Zeon), 倩茹姐姐 & G. Jars

Songs by Hong Kong famous Cantonese kids song composer Zeon and his early childhood educator wife.


Cute songs with accompanying lyric videos. More details and lyrcis (in Chinese) on Songs4Kids. 



The “Children’s Heart Happy Singing” song collection is the work of the famous local music educator 李嘉琦老師(李Sir). The songs are widely used in Sunday school, fellowship, school, teachers, choir groups and so on. More details  (in Chinese) on Songs4kids website.


More details on songs4Kids website

喜訊 1-4 – 福音粵曲

Cantonese Opera Gospel Music. Suitable for adults and children. The CDs can be bought at HK Bookcity 



Sister May of Jolly Land (May姐姐開心島) has produced a number of ‘happiness psychology’ albums and Christian kids albums. The playlist is a mixture of songs from various albums.


可喜可樂之城 (團契遊樂園基督教兒歌) by Music 2000

Songs from a series of albums by Music 2000 (音樂 2000). The 6th album 可喜可樂之城 6 was released in 2012. More details and lyrics available on Songs4kids website.  

可喜可樂舞動全城聚會重溫 by the Church Pianist Training Centre



Features music (only) from the Hundred Salvation Songs Set 7 Evangelism  救恩詩歌100首 第7集 宣教.


Many of these albums are featured on the website Songs4kids 基督教兒童音樂, which catalogs the different albums released in Hong Kong. Details listed usually include the artiste, lyrics, and sometimes samples of the albums. Read our review of review of Songs4Kids website and how to use it.


Searching on YouTube

You can also search for 粵語兒童詩歌 or 兒童詩歌廣東話 (Christian Cantonese Kids’ Songs). or 粵語詩歌 or 詩歌廣東話 (Cantonese Hymns) if you are looking for non-kids Christian music. If you are searching for a specific song in Cantonese, you can search for the ‘song name’ and 粵語 or 廣東話. You might still have to look through quite a few, as many do not specify Cantonese or Mandarin. Do note some classic hymns seems to have many different translations. That’s what I discovered when I was looking for the Cantonese version of Jesus Loves Me.  I ended up choosing based on the quality of video and music, as well as the lyrics.


Organising your Own Music

As you can see, there are hundreds and thousands of videos to choose from. You might want to start your own playlist to organise your favorite songs. You might want to have one playlist for yourself and one for your kids. There are also lots of music on Spotify and Amazon, if that’s your preferred way of listening. If you do enjoy any artiste songs and albums, I encourage you to purchase a DVD or CD or MP3 or music score in support, so that they can continue to produce more good music.


Anything I missed?

But if you have any good channels and playlists that you would recommend, please leave a comment on this post. I will continue to update this post with more resources.


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This post is part of the Cantonese Kids Resources on YouTube Series

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