During this time when many of us families are staying at home, it is more important than ever to stay healthy and keep fit. I found English resources for exercise with kids, but Cantonese resources are harder to find. There are only a handful of exercise videos for kids in Cantonese that I came across. There are more information in the many ebooks on healthy living. The videos are for Hongkongers, so designed for very small spaces. I find many of them more focused on strength training than for cardio. Still, it is a good idea to exercise!
Videos in Cantonese
1. 停課不停運動 Day 1 凝動香港體育基金
Simple workouts ideas by InspiringHK Sports Foundation 凝動香港體育基金 which you can easily do from home. All you need is a small space, a chair, a mat and a wet tissue carton! Short video clips of about 3 minutes. Cantonese playlist and English playlist available.
2. 嘉芙姐姐兒歌 (Ka Foo Music Land)
Three music and movement videos from 嘉芙姐姐 Ka Foo Sister
2 dance videos of about 3 minutes each by 小紅熊 Redd’s Nature Play Party. To get your kids dancing.
4. 中小學學生家居體力活動訓練教材套
Videos by the Hong Kong Physical Education Association HKPEA
5. Fun to Move@JC
“Fun to Move@JC Project aims to enhance primary students’ physical activity level, improving their efficacy and motivation in sports through creating systemic changes in their lifelong physical activity attitudes and habits. Seven videos so far, mostly very short videos, some under 1 minute.
6. 齊齊在家動起來
體藝動力游泳會 TiDynamics Swimming Club
7. Train for Kids 2020 停課不停學親子運動大挑戰!
Exercise challenges for kids by Train for Kids – 2020 Stay at Home edition – to help children exercise while at home
8. 幼兒喜動操
A video by the 衞生署衞生防護中心, CHP, Department of Health, HKSARG
9. WORKOUT︱小朋友運動︱抗疫︱健身操︱王虹茵︱
by ThinkBig 天地
10. 在家親子運動 by 腦練FitBrain
Print Material in Chinese
1. Healthy Superkids Board Game
Roll the dice and do the activities. Chinese and English version available in the post below.
2. Parent-Child Physical Games from the StartSmart@school.hk” Campaign by Department of Health, HK
Download a bilingual PDF booklet of smart recipes and exercises here.
Or each individual exercise here.
There are also bilingual storybooks for kids on healthy living.
And more health guides including “How to Plan Physical activities for your children” : Chinese | English
3. Family Education Booklets 家庭教育書刊
Numerous PDF E-Books with useful tips on improving FAMILY Health, Happiness and Harmony. Includes exercise and diet tips. Chinese only.
FMPT Children on The Move 兒童動起來

Learn the Colloquial Cantonese terms for the different exercise moves and get your kid to do them too.
Anything I Missed?
If you know of any resources that I have missed, please feel free to drop a comment on this post. I will continue to update this post with more resources.
Other Free Online Cantonese Resources for Kids:
- Cantonese Resources for kids: Hand Hygiene and other Healthy Habits
- Updated: COVID-19 Resources for Children in Chinese and Cantonese
- The Ultimate Guide to Cantonese Nursery Rhymes 粵語兒歌 on YouTube
- YouTube Resources for Kids
- Free Online Chinese Textbooks and Course Materials
- Our collection of Cantonese nursery Rhyme and Songs (Each come with a free lyrics printable. )
- Colloquial Cantonese Kid’s Educational Resources and Printables
- Your Ultimate Guide to Free Sagebooks Resources 基礎漢字500 on the Internet