Valentine’s Day : Chinese Scripture Cards – Verses about Love

情人節聖經愛卡 Valentine's Day Scripture cards bible verse love

With Valentine’s Day coming up. let us be reminded of the most perfect love of all, God’s love. And also to look at what the scripture says of love.

I made some scripture cards with bible verses in Chinese about love. They can be used as Valentines for friends or as scripture memorization pack. Brings back memories of the time when I use to hand write scripture cards when much younger.

These cards are suitable for adults and kids.

There are two versions – one with Chinese only and one bilingual Chinese-English. This is my first time doing these cards. Please let me know which version you might prefer, so that in future, I will make them in that format.

Version 1: Chinese Scripture cards – Verses about Love (Chinese and English)

Please feel free to download Five pages of Scripture cards with verses about love in Traditional Chinese English (free printable) 


Version 2: Chinese Scripture cards – Verses about Love (Chinese only)

Please feel free to download  Three pages of Scripture cards with verses about love in Traditional Chinese (free printable)


Other Valentine’s Day Christian craft and activities to explore (external links):


與神一起的情人節 Valentine’s with God

Includes personal reflections, family reflections, as well as art and math activities with free printables.


Not an activity or printable per se, but I really really love this graphic of  the bible scripture. (Just download the picture from this Facebook post). Looks great when printed out and put on the wall.



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Happy Valentine’s Day!


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